Thanh Hoa is famous for its beach, Sam Son. A nice, popular beach in the northern part of Vietnam. However, there are some specialties in Thanh Hoa that you must try when visiting.
1. Fermented pork rolls:
Sour, sweet, and spicy. All three flavors mixed together to create the roll’s unique aroma, and taste. Sour meat, chewy crunchy skin fiber, garlic, peppers and various other seasonings makes it such an unforgettable snack of the Thanh region.
Sam Son beach is a great source for fresh shrimps. Peeled, smashed, stuffed, and grilled on charcoal fire with bamboo sticks, shrimp rolls is a perfect snack for winter. Dipped with a spicy, sweet, sour, and salty dipping sauce, the locals often eat the rolls with fermented sliced papaya.
Nghe An is the most famous place in Vietnam to get eel porridge. However, eel porridge in Thanh Hoa is just as good. Each province has their own special way of cooking. In Thanh Hoa, people first started by putting eels in ash to clean off the viscosity. Then, they cut the eels open, drain all the blood, boil the meat, stir fry with onions and fat. A good eel porridge bowl will have soft eel meat, the aroma of stir fried onions compliments the green of onions, corianders and yellow of fried soya cords.
4. Tiny shrimps flans:
This type of flans can only be found in Thanh region. The flan outer part is made from liquidized milling rice flour, then poured into a hot wok to create the round shape. The stuffing is made with cubed water dropwort, noodle sliced julienne cabbage, and fresh tiny shrimps. Dao Duy Tu, Han Thuyen, etc. are some places where tourists can come and have bite of this delicious flan.
5. Roast pot rice flan:
Not as complicated as the Hue’s flan or Southern’s flan, but it’s something that can’t be easily forgotten. Being made from familiar, easy to find ingredients is the key for the success of this dish. Once you got the taste, it will linger in your memory.