

Travelling with the happiness, satisfaction and joyfulness are the most important things we want our clients have. Being the locals, we know the true value of our land. We always listen and arrange everything as your desire. Don't hesitate to send us your requirement. We will send you the best offers quickly!
Francisco Inez Joy Si Min
Francisco Inez Joy Si Min

Hi Hung Vu (Bill),

I have a bit of a reputation in the MICE industry (after some 20 plus years) for "telling it as I saw it" and my scores for your services reflected my experiences while working with you for the event organized in Hanoi in March 2015

Congratulations to your team on setting great service benchmarks, it is good to see a Travel Agent with such good standards, it means the staff were well trained, and most importantly, well-motivated by your training & guidance, well done.

I look forward to bringing more groups, as well as using the property for extensions in Hanoi when I sell Vietnam to clients as "THE" emerging Incentive destination in Asia.

Best regards

Francisco Inez Joy Si Min


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